My name is Karina Telerman

The body and its innate intelligence attracted my attention since I was little, which led me to experience various forms of movement such as dance, bio-energetic, bio dance, Feldenkrais, Yoga…. and more.

I've studied 'Social Work' and later, after many years of practice and self-knowledge, I was trained as a Yoga teacher, then Yoga teacher for children and for Pregnancy and Postpartum; then for some years now, I have been practicing and teaching Bowspring (an innovative method and powerful). At the same time, I did various courses and workshops related to food, emotions and the body.

My curiosity led me (and continues to lead me) to research a multitude of topics, so I consider myself a self-taught person in different fields. 

Today I understand that everything has to do with everything, nothing is separated, and all things have a much greater meaning than my mind can encompass.

I love to focus on a therapeutic approach!

In the therapeutic area, I have taught yoga classes in various organizations. I have taught people with Fibromyalgia and for families with children with different abilities, to cite a few...

I have also trained as a therapist in Biodecoding, in Ericksonian Hypnosis, Master in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), and several workshops related to these topics. I am in continuous training in emotional management and personal growth (since I myself continue to learn and growing, broadening my vision to better serve others).

Currently, I teach the "Movement K. Evolutionary", with classes where I merge everything I've learned through the body (yoga, somatic movement, conscious breathing, guided relaxation, and themes to expand consciousness).

I also accompany individual sessions of "Biodecoding and Movement", for people who want to understand and transcend symptoms, illnesses or repetitive behaviors in their life; where deep and lasting changes can be made.

I am part of the School of Bio-Emotional Integration and Personal Growth, where I also teach.

I organize workshops, courses and trainings with different teachers in the world, linked to personal wellbeing and self-development; we work with the Llankey 11:22 Platform, that I've created with my partner.

I continue to grow and promote my understanding with all the beings that appear in my path at every step, and I love it!


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